Recently, I've been busy preparing for Freedom Sunday with a team at my church, and I as I look over the research again, at the facts, and the stories of human trafficking I am hit anew with the anguish and disbelief of the reality these people face. Indignation once again rises up inside of me and I feel like screaming, I feel like yelling "INJUSTICE" at the top of my lungs. I want to grab every woman, man and teenager and tell them the horrific facts. I want every breath to proclaim justice for these oppressed. I feel anxious with every passing moment knowing it means another life taken. I want to pull every woman and girl I pass on the street who is selling herself into my car and into safety. I want to go to Cambodia and snatch every woman and child from the wicked brothels. I want to stick my finger in the devils face and say "Shame on YOU!".

Right now as I sit watching, and reading, I feel overwhelmed, and powerless. All I can do is cry, and all I can to is rage at the one who is causing this all to happen. I am not powerless though, I can pray. Prayer, a mighty weapon. For we are promised when we as children of the Most High approach His throne we can do so with freedom and confidence and have faith that when we ask the Father to break the chains of injustice he is willing and hears our pleas.

I thank the Holy Spirit that he is raising up people to fight injustice. I thank the Lord that His heart is for the oppressed, for the needy, and for the orphaned. I thank the Lord that there is hope in a hopeless situation because he is the God of restoration and his will is for restoration. I thank the Lord that because of events like Freedom Sunday the ugly dark truth is being told and light is being shed. I thank the Lord that because of events that speak the truth more people are appalled at the injustices of this world and are called to action. I thank the Lord that because of His great love we are not consumed by the wickedness of this world.

Praise God for His Truth that even though the devil rages around us, He has the victory, and because we are called His we have the victory too. Praise God for the truth that injustice has to SHUT HER MOUTH at the sound of His Great Name, Jesus!