
Is the World Race For You?

So what about you? Do you think that you might be called to step out of your comfort zone? Do you think the Lord is calling you to minister to the orphan, widow, captive, etc., but you are unsure how to do that, or what that looks like? Maybe, just maybe you should be going on this trip too. Check out the following taken from their media kit (If you click on the images they will enlarge) and see if maybe the Lord is calling you to take this trip or one like it. Blessings!


Be Still and Know

BE HERE NOW from blaine hogan on Vimeo.


Sexual Toll

We pretend sex isn't something deeper than the physical. After all, TV tells us that we should be having sex with as many people as we can, love 'em and leave 'em. But the truth is God made sex so we could be intimate and intertwined with another person, one other person, our mate. It isn't just physical ties that happens during sex its soul ties as well. Sex was never meant to be purely physical, it is also a joining, or tieing together of souls whether you'd like to admit that or not. Our hyper-sexualized society has brought us nothing but sorrow, pain and baggage. It's about time we respected sex and treated it as something sacred and beautiful, but recognize that when it is taken out if the context it was meant for it can be destructive and dangerous.

Watch this. This is some good truth right here: