
Africa with Reinhard Bonnke

This morning I received an email "from" Reinhard Bonnke requesting that I enter into a drawing to win a trip to Africa with him on an evangelistic crusade. Ummm...random and stinkin' AWESOME!!! For those of you that don't know Reinhard, you MUST watch the ISOM videos of his preaching. He is the definition of passionate. He doesn't care at all what others think and will preach the gospel however he can including dancing like an idiot. When you watch him and listen to the passion in his voice you can't help but love the guy, crazy dance and all!

Anyhow, if you are interested in entering yourself click on the link below for your chance to win. One disclaimer here, if you win remember I'm available to come with you!! It's only fair now. God Bless! JESUS IS THE SAUCE!!!!!


Furious Love

I have been waiting since January for this. Finally this evening it came.

Furious Love.

Ever since I watched the film "Finger of God" my eyes have been opened in new freeing ways to the work of the Lord in our world, our nation, our city, our backyard. Which is why I highly anticipated this movie.

In the song "people get ready" by Misty Edwards, she says "He's doing a new thing, so we're singin' a new song". I believe with all my heart this is true except the Lord is doing an "old thing" in a new way all across the world. Love.

Love. It is one of the most complex concepts to describe, but the easiest to recognize when its experienced in its true, pure form. It is the language that our souls speak, and when we encounter Love, in its true form our hearts and souls sing. Darkness flees. The devil cringes. Deliverance comes and wounds heal.

Church, let's love passionately, selflessly, humbly and with wild abandon. We were given 2 commandments by Jesus that sum up the rest, Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, soul and mind; and Love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:36-40). Love. Love. Love. That. Is. It. Nothing more is required but loving God, and loving people. Nothing. Everything is summed up in Love.

What happens when darkness encounters the un-defiled love of Jesus? Love wins every time.

You've gotta watch this movie.