Today's post is brought to you by "snow".
Oh living in the land of frozen tundra. The cold is what brings out the creativity in us Minnesotans. Some of our best thoughts are born out of frustration, and frost bite. The Minnesotan has a love hate relationship with their state, that keeps them here but wondering why. I have compiled a couple songs that were born out of this mentality.
A country lament about snow:
Like hip-hop? Say: Shhhhh
Out of desperation to move out of MN came this brilliance:
I guess you could say my own quest for "why", why there are people living in a land that is fit for polar bears and penguins, led to this post. Have a great day! If you live in Minnesota safe travels today and good luck on the snowy streets.
Out of the Dust
Here are two songs I'm loving right now.
"Here with Me Now" by Laura Hackett
I love the the words:
"Don't give up on me now cuz I'm scared and I need you strong when I'm weak hold on and believe in me. When my heart just can't figure out what it wants please give me a reason to trust you'll still fight for me."
How often I find myself crying out these words to the Lord. Most of the time I can't figure myself out and become anxious for the things he has promised me. How often I end up striving, trying to figure things out on my own and end up a heap on the floor weaker than I started my strength used up. Thats usually when shame comes to devour what is left, shame that I wasn't strong enough to constantly trust and lean on Him. To rest in Him. Shame that I failed the good christian life. Shame that anxiety, annoyance, complacency, confusion, numbness and exhaustion exist in my life. Those are the times I relate to the above words. Those are the times I need to be reminded that He is my strength, that He still sees potential in me and believes in me. I want to hear that he hasn't given up on this broken life. I need to be filled with the truth that He is my champion. Then I remember that no matter my circumstance I am His beloved and that is enough, that is EVERYTHING and 'just knowing that he's here with me, changes everything.'
"Beautiful Things" by: Gungor
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things out of us
You make me new
You are making me new
How amazing is it that the Lord is so Big, so Creative, so Graceful, so Merciful, so Forgiving, so Patient, so Loving that he takes our brokenness and makes something new, beautiful, fragrant and useful to bring Him GLORY. Praise God! Thank you Jesus!
Turkey Day 5K (AKA: Turkey Trot)
I recently completed my first 5K ever. I would have blogged about my running journey earlier but wasn't sure how successful I would be so decided to hold off until I had successfully completed the run. For those of you who don't know me very well I am not a natural runner. For as long as I can remember I have loved playing sports and games of all kinds, but running just wasn't something I could do on a consistent basis. Then one fateful day I saw a flyer at REI advertising the Turkey Day 5K and decided to go for it. I registered before I could come up with any excuses and was locked in. The day I signed up was 60 degrees and sunny. Honestly I didn't think it through and I'm glad I didn't because if I had given it more thought I would have realized that the weather in November in Minnesota is, while unpredictable, usually not very warm. Wouldn't you know it pretty soon after I signed up the temp dropped, the snow started flying, and most importantly the ice started forming.
Cold weather running: don't knock it 'til you try it. "What are you...chicken?"
P.S. I have to add my favorite quote of the day from Ms. Andrea Meister, well let me set it up a little. If you haven't ever run one of these races before there were literally hundreds (I'm not certain on the exact number maybe thousands?) of people running this thing and as expected at varying speeds which means you have to be quick on your feet to pass, dodge and sneak past people. and when there's space you "SHOOT THE GAP". Thanks Andrea for all the laughs it was fun.
Africa with Reinhard Bonnke
Furious Love
These Little Ones Whom He Loves Deeply

MEXICO- The Last Hurrah
Ashley and I started out our trip at this place and were blessed beyond our expectations. Looking back I would have loved to stay here for longer than the 3 days we were able, but I am glad we were able to even go. We had the immense privilege of being a part of these childrens' lives for a short time, but they will stay in my heart for a long time. The first time we met the kids we were surrounded by hugs and stayed that way until we left. It was glorious! These kids only want to love and be loved and I loved loving on them :). The first night we were there we went with the little girls (6-12) to a village called Yagay to play with the kids there, show a movie and have etole and sweet bread. This village was a very poor village and all of the people there had someone in their family in prison and to say they were living day by day is an understatement. It was fun to see the girls play with the children there, teach them games and songs that they learned in sunday school. It was a precious memory that I will take with me. You see some of these girls live at the home because they too have a family member in prison and their family can't take care of them either. They can relate to the people of Yagay.
And so The Adventure Begins
Me-me-me Gusta Teposcolula
Spring Teams are here!!!
Where Do I Go From Here
How familiar this place feels. It seems just like yesterday I was in this place of seeking the next of my life, and yet it was more than a year ago. How much has happened since then, how amazing is the grace, the mercy and the hands that have held me, molded me and shaped me into the woman I am today and continue to shape me into a better woman. I am grateful for the process even through the pain of stretching. I can truly say Praise God for all that has transpired this past year!
Today We Honor Love
Today we honored love, today was created to honor love. This day, February 14th was set aside specially to be devoted to recognizing love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. We hear it everywhere we go, the overused, misused, worn out term, Love. Do we even recognize what love truly is anymore? Is it a relationship with a significant other, a passionate affair, a one night stand? Is it physical, emotional, or spiritual? What is true love? Finding "that" person? What happens when that person turns out to be somebody else, does that mean that "true love" does not exist?
Recapture the Romance
The Bride
Shaking of the Nations
The following is a word I received from the Lord at Onething.
If hunger is the escort to the deeper things of the Lord I want to be ravenous. It's funny how it works when you are hungry for the Lord, you get a taste and it makes you hungrier then you get a feast and you starve for more. It makes me laugh, because I realize I will never be satisfied with my knowledge of the Lord and depth of my relationship with Him no matter how deep I go. That very fact fills me with joy. I never want to be satisfied.