Here are two songs I'm loving right now.

"Here with Me Now" by Laura Hackett

I love the the words:
"Don't give up on me now cuz I'm scared and I need you strong when I'm weak hold on and believe in me. When my heart just can't figure out what it wants please give me a reason to trust you'll still fight for me."

How often I find myself crying out these words to the Lord. Most of the time I can't figure myself out and become anxious for the things he has promised me. How often I end up striving, trying to figure things out on my own and end up a heap on the floor weaker than I started my strength used up. Thats usually when shame comes to devour what is left, shame that I wasn't strong enough to constantly trust and lean on Him. To rest in Him. Shame that I failed the good christian life. Shame that anxiety, annoyance, complacency, confusion, numbness and exhaustion exist in my life. Those are the times I relate to the above words. Those are the times I need to be reminded that He is my strength, that He still sees potential in me and believes in me. I want to hear that he hasn't given up on this broken life. I need to be filled with the truth that He is my champion. Then I remember that no matter my circumstance I am His beloved and that is enough, that is EVERYTHING and 'just knowing that he's here with me, changes everything.'

"Beautiful Things" by: Gungor

You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things out of us
You make me new
You are making me new

How amazing is it that the Lord is so Big, so Creative, so Graceful, so Merciful, so Forgiving, so Patient, so Loving that he takes our brokenness and makes something new, beautiful, fragrant and useful to bring Him GLORY. Praise God! Thank you Jesus!