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These Little Ones Whom He Loves Deeply

Today I finally got around to reading the much talked about "Kisses from Kate" blog and to say that it stirred something within me doesn't give it justice. This 21 year old with 14 adopted Ugandan daughters spoke to something deep inside me, Jesus. My heart ached for the children this girl encountered on a daily basis, some were malnourished, some were racked with AIDS and some were on the doorstep of death. Her account of life in Uganda is a humble unassuming one, yet one that God calls us all to. Are we not to "seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow"(Isaiah 1:17)? Jesus, the one I know and love, loves the least of these, they are close to his heart. Why aren't they close to ours? Maybe its because they smell, look funny, are dirty, sick, violent, ugly, and unpleasant to listen to. Maybe we are too busy. Maybe we are over-informed and inundated with images of sick and dying children. Brothers and Sisters those aren't good enough! We, me included, need to be love to the most unlovable, especially the unlovable, because the reality is that 24,000 children died today. Right here in America children are dying from poverty, one child every 53 minutes. Does your heart break? Mine is broken for all the children of world caught in the horrors of starvation, disease, abuse and neglect. What about the 1 million who are caught in modern day slavery and trafficked around the world EACH YEAR? Do we care about them? They have no voice, but we do and we are able to make a change, we are called by Jesus to make a change. Lets be modern day abolitionists, lets take in the orphaned, the hungry, the homeless. Lets befriend the lonely, love our neighbors, each other and above all God. Lets be ambassadors of Christ and show the world how much He truly cares and loves.
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