The title of this blog post pretty much says it all. The past week of my life has been a little tumultuous to say the least. Let me fill you in on a few things that have been happening:

Last Sunday:
I was was watching a movie with my fellow GFMers and eating a tortilla with guacamole in it when, I bit into the tortilla and was surprised by "crunch, crunch" unfortunately there wasn´t anything crunchy in that tortilla, instead it was my tooth that had broken somehow. Luckily it didn´t break down to the nerve, but still a little irritating. Especially since my insurance is less than spectacular.

Last Tuesday:
The past couple of weeks have been Tlaxiaco days where they celebrate their city and part of that celebration included a carnival complete with rides that have been rejected from the US carnivals. After taco Tuesdays a group of us decided to go to the carnival and check it out. We had churros with chocolate inside they were delicious and oh so fattening. It reminded me of the State fair I felt like I was on the midway. After we had churros we began to walk around and see the rides. I was determined to ride on one of these "rejected rides" and then we saw it in all its glory, the mechanical bull. (singing: ahhhhh). For those of you who were with me on my birthday last year, it was like finding the holy grail. I had to give it a go, so I paid my 20 pesos and got on. I have to say here that the ride was not all that I hoped for it was not what I had dreamed it would be but it was fun for the memories. Up next: a real bull (I´m convinced it would be better on a real bull).

Last Thursday:
I returned home from being in town all day only to turn on my computer and err, umm, it didn´t turn on. I thought ok this is only a fluke thing it will work if I try it again. No, it did not. Bummer, so folks I´m without a computer for the time being. Right now I´m at a Internet cafe and will have to rely on them and the generosity of friends probably until I come home for Christmas.

All this to say God is still good and even though things like computers crashing and teeth breaking are extremely inconvenient God is still there and he will use it for his glory. I know that there are lessons to learn in the midst of problems and will probably look back at all of this and see quite clearly what God was doing. In the mean time I choose to laugh and continue on with life.

On a positive note I have been meeting with three girls in the park on Wedensdays and thursdays to teach them english and have them in return teach me spanish. I am excited about these new friendships that are in the making. Please pray for them that the Holy Spirit would be working in their hearts and also pray for me to know what to say to them and that I would learn spanish fast.

I hope you are all doing well. Love and miss you all!