Merry Christmas!

So I thought I would give a little update on what is happening with me. I have just decided that I am going to be going to the Onething conference in Kansas City! To say that I'm excited just doesn't seem to give this feeling the justice it deserves.

God is and has and will continue be so good to me. I praise Him for the things he has done in my life and the good gifts like this conference that he has given. To say thank you for His goodness, His deep love, His wondrous riches isn't saying enough.

"And when .......they saw the young child.......and fell down, and worshipped Him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto Him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh." Matthew 2:11

Christmas is a great time to reflect on these things in a deeper way, and when you do, don't be surprised if you begin to weep as you come to the realization of what He has done for us. He truly loves you in the deepest way, in a way you have never felt from human kindness. He has done what none of us could do, and that is make a way to our Heavenly Father. When you think about what he went through on the cross, bearing ALL of our sin, how retched, lonely and miserable that must have been. It is incomprehensible.

I love to think about the story of Jesus' coming and how Herod was looking for a strong, rich leader as the Messiah, but as it says in 1Corinthians 1:27, "God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." God came to this world in the flesh of an infant born to two young people who didn't have many material possessions. Its just like God to do something like that, come as a baby so that He could truly understand our sufferings and our human condition, becuase he lived through the stages that you and I go through. Granted he didn't fall prey to the sins that you and I do, but he is not a stranger of the temptation to do so. I am so thankful that my Lord and Savior came to this earth as a little baby and grew into a bold man and died unselfishly for my sins, because if he hadn't I would be completely hopeless.

Blessings of Peace and Joy to your family this Christmas Season and throughout the year.