Wow, it's been quite awhile since I last blogged about what I'm doing and what I've been doing, so I guess we have a lot of catching up to do.

I've been home for a little over a month now and have not been lacking in things to do with my time. God has blessed me with work in abundance! Praise the Lord! I'm back at both of the jobs I was working at before I left for Mexico. One has been full-time work and the other is a part time job so I have been quite busy as you can see. I have also had the chance to catch up with my dear friends and family while I've been home. Thanks to all of you for making my time home so much fun and enjoyable. I will be home until January 8th and then will return to Mexico for a couple more months of school and short term mission trips. I'm looking forward to returning and really making use of the time I have left in Mexico. I can already tell that leaving is going to be hard, my friends are already asking me about it and if I will come back to visit. I hate talking about it because it makes it that much more real, but I know my time will be up sooner than I realize.

Before I left to come home I had opportunities to have good God talks with some of my friends. One of my friends, Mari, I've known for over a year now and up until the week before I left we hadn't had any really good God talks, but then one day it happened, out of the blue at cooking class. Honestly, I don't have good Spanish and I don't know many of the complex "christianese" words that you should know when talking about God, but on that day the Holy Spirit gave me the words to speak and I'm so excited to go back and continue to have conversations about God and Jesus with her.

As far as I know I'm not called to Mexico longterm, but its hard for me not to leave a piece of my heart as I move into a new chapter, whatever that may be. I love those people, and I'm going to miss them terribly, but I know that God has people there, good people that will tend His flock and I feel perfectly comfortable leaving the work in their capable hands.
As always I'm sending all of you my love.