
His Provision is Worth the Wait. Always.


As I wait on the Lord to reveal His plans for the next season of my life, I cling to the knowledge and security that He has my future in his hands and that settling for anything less than His provision in my life would be rebellion and less than satisfying. I want it all, all He has planned for me, I want to see God work in and through my life and use me the way he uniquely created me to be used. I want to be obedient in all that I do, I want to be in His good and perfect will. Below is a song that I've been meditating on during this time of waiting. I hope it maybe helps you too in your time of waiting on the Lord. Love you all! 

My Future Decided: By Hillsong

You hold the future in your hands
You know my dreams and you have a plan
And as you light my way, I'll follow you

My eyes on all of the above
My soul secure in all you've done
My minds made up
And you are the only one for me

Jesus, savior, in my life you are everything
My future decided, I will praise your name
And I know that I am, I am yours
Yeah, I know that I am, I am yours

You hold the earth in your command
You are the rock on which I stand
And as I live each day, I'll follow you

My eyes on all of the above
My soul secure in all you've done
My minds made up
And you are the only one for me

Jesus, savior, in my life you are everything
My future decided, I will praise your name
And I know that I am, I am yours
Yeah, I know that I am, I am yours

Aren't afraid, aren't ashamed Lord we know who we are
We are your people and we won't be silent
Unified hear us cry at the top of our lungs
You our God and we will not be shaken

Aren't afraid, aren't ashamed Lord we know who we are
We are your people and we won't be silent
Unified hear us cry at the top of our lungs
You our God and we will not be shaken

Jesus, savior, in my life you are everything
My future decided, I will praise your name
And I know that I am, I am yours
Yeah, I know that I am, I am yours



New Direction and No Direction. Confused? So Am I

Hello to all of you out there!

Here is an update on where my life is at presently.

New Direction:
Before I left Mexico for our Christmas break I was quite frustrated with my ministry time here in Tlaxiaco. I was struggling with people not showing up for English class, coffee and other social meetings. It's completely culturally acceptable for them to not show up, but being a northern American girl I still have not quite adapted to that. I was really glad to have the time away to think about how God was going to use me in Tlaxiaco, but the problem was I never really did hear from God while I was home on how to redirect my energy and time. One day when I came back after break I took a walk by myself through our Colonia (what we call basically a suburb here) and just prayed over it. God spoke that day in a simple way and said that I should focus on our colonia instead of Tlaxiaco, specifically just going around to the houses and bringing them cookies and chatting. Loving our neighbors.

This past week I put that plan into action, on Tuesday I worked on Spanish phrases to use, Thursday I made the cookies (peanut butter if you were wondering), and on Friday I went out into the colonia. I must say I was very nervous to go out by myself with my limited Spanish and talk with our neighbors. Before I left on Friday the girls prayed for me and as I walked to the first house I prayed that God would give me super natural understanding and use of the language and also that he would direct my steps. I am happy to say that He did just that. As I was walking I saw a woman outside of her house with her 2 kids and I felt God's leading and went up and talked with her and her kids. Her name is Patty and she graciously invited me to come back sometime (I actually understood a good portion of what she said by the grace of God). I know that I probably won't be able to make deep relationships with people in the 2 months I have remaining here, but I know that God loves these people and we are called to love our neighbor in whatever shape that takes, so I know this won't be in vain. I praise the Lord for this new direction. 

Old Friends:
I realized that I generalized a bit in the first part of the blog because not all of the people I've met down here have flaked out on me, I do have some dear friends that I count myself lucky to know. My friend Mari has been very kind to me and I'm grateful for her friendship, kindness and patience. I had lunch with her on Saturday and as always felt welcome in her house and in her family. 

Yolanda (I realize at this point I haven't blogged about Yolanda's story and will make that right very soon I promise) is also a woman that God has put in my path and feel that she and I have a special friendship based on faith that God can work miracles. 

Lorenza, as you will recall I met Lorenza at the beginning of my time here and went to her house to make tortillas. I'm sad to say that I haven't seen her since, but am very excited because a friend of mine at the base recently saw her and she was inquiring after a couple of us, so I will have the opportunity to see her again quite often I hope. I'm very grateful for all the relationships God has given me down here and I cherish each and everyone of them.

No Direction:
That all being said I feel like I've taken a step back as far as direction for my future. I was positive that I was heading to Thailand in April, but now finding out some information on Visas I'm not quite sure God is leading me in that direction. Right now all I know is that I will be here until the very beginning of April, but after that I'm not quite sure where or what God has planned for me. I know God has my future in His loving and caring hands, and I'm sure there is a lesson being taught about trust and patience here, but I'm far from learning it.  I want to know whats next!

Prayer Requests:
Patty- She would be open to me and receptive to me visiting her.
Yolanda- She had foot surgery before we left for break and it hasn't completely healed yet
Mari- She would be open to spiritual matters and that our relationship would deepen to talk about those matters
Lorenza- God's provision for her and her family
My Future Plans
My New Direction in Ministry here in Tlaxiaco

P.S. Sorry about the problems with posting comments on my blog. I did some re-formatting and believe that it is now fixed. Post away!


Yearning, and Burning with Passion for God

Happy New Years to You All!

I had a wonderful time at home visiting all of you! If I missed seeing you I'm very sorry, I'll have to catch you next time around. I am thankful for each and everyone of you, you all mean so much to me and I realize that without your support and friendship I wouldn't be where I'm at today, so thank you for that.

I'm back in Mexico and am doing really well, I'm still trying to adjust back to life as a Mexican, but am loving every minute of it. This week is revival week here at school and I have been deeply moved by the subject as the following will testify to.

God. When you think about the concept of God, do you think about a being far removed from our human condition, someone who rules over our lives with a tight fist? Or perhaps you think of a being who loves us so much that he sent His son Jesus to become our atonement so that we could be in relationship with Him. The latter of these is what I think of when I think about God, he is my friend, companion, and so much more. He is to be feared, revered, praised, glorified, and worshiped, but yet he wants to be in relationship with each and everyone of us. What an amazing gift that is, let's not take that for granted. He has made a way for that relationship through Jesus so let's take it and let him reveal amazing things about himself, about his creation and about us. I can't wrap my head around how glorious my God is and how much he wants to show me if I would only let him by being in His presence daily, and in His Word the Bible daily, and just letting him move in the way he wants to move.

I pray for revival in our country, a country that is dangerously falling into selfishness and independence from God. God is the very thing America needs, but I realize that if I want revival it needs to begin within me. I need to be open to what God has for my life, I need to be refined before I can be used. So my question to you is this: What are you living for? Money, possessions, people, partying, etc.? What worth do these things have in the eternal realm? I have to say that I was at one time deceived into thinking that if I only had...I would be happy, but it never happened because those things don't last, but one thing does last and matters the most is God. If you don't know Him and his son Jesus, please ask someone about Him today. He loves you and wants to do amazing things in your life, let him. God is a gentleman, he would never force himself on you, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't love you, he does. Let him in and watch him change your life in ways you never imagined. I promise you won't be disapointed.

My prayer for both you and me this new year is that we would be yearning and burning with passion for God. Let's put God first and see the world changed forever. No more hunger, no more abuse, no more killings, no more disease, no more mourning, no more hopelessness, no more anger, no more loneliness, only love.

I love you all and hope that you have a wonderful new year filled with God's blessings.