4 more weeks and I’ll be a Mrs.! How in the world did that happen?! As I continue on this journey of discovering marriage I am in awe of the Lord’s design. As my post about surrendering singlehood testifies this hasn’t always been an easy journey. In fact at the beginning it was with a reluctant heart that I allowed the Lord to open my eyes to his definition and design of marriage. But how glad I am of his persistence to purify my ideas and heart of what marriage truly is.

While I was on the World Race I met, became best friends, and fell in love with the most incredible man. How surprised I was when this man, a man of integrity and honor, desired me, and pursued me! This man of purity and character ACTUALLY wanted me. Did I mention he is stunningly handsome!?  To be completely honest I didn’t think I deserved him and have tested him and left the door open so that he could leave if he wanted to, I expected him to. Yet every time I would share a part of me that was difficult and I expected would be a deal breaker he drew closer to me, attracted to the vulnerability of my heart. He understood who I really was, it wasn’t the mistakes of the past, present or future that define who I am, but rather the image of God in me that defines me. I am continually blown away by this man, I’ve never known a man to love like he does, unconditionally, patiently.

In the past I have been fearful that a relationship with a man would only cause distraction and a hindrance from my relationship with the Lord. I loved my close intimate dependent relationship with the Lord and never wanted it to change, or have someone ruin it. I thought that I would have less energy to love the Lord like I did when I was single, and that my attentions would be divided. To some degree this is true. My attentions are now divided, but also multiplied. My relationship with the Lord has never been richer and my understanding of who he is to me has never been clearer. It is through this relationship with this man, that I will soon call husband, that he has taught me about his deep love for me. I can’t tell you how many times as we traveled and navigated this relationship and its joys and difficulties that I’ve said, “Ah Lord, that’s how you pursue me, that’s how you love me, but times infinity. That’s how you want me to pursue you, love you, respond to you, and receive from you”. Marriage is part of the Lord’s design to give us an earthly taste and representation of who he is for us and who we are to him, deeply desired, beloved. And a foretaste for what is to come.

This is only the beginning and I can’t possibly know what lessons are to come, and what depths are to be reached, but I can’t wait for the adventure of marriage.