Here am I. All of Me. Take my life. Take all of me.

Are you testing the waters of following Jesus? Are you just playing the game of Christianity? Enough already! Jump in with everything you are. Follow hard after Him, he deserves a life set apart for Him and His purposes.

I set my life apart for you, so you can do all that you created me to.
I set my heart apart for you, only you will do.
I set my sights on you and your glory how I yearn to see you

All that I am and everything I want to be I lay down at your feet
Submitted to your will in your perfect timing all is made complete.
How great is your splendor how marvelous your works

Endowed in the splendor of salvation undeserving I come to your table
I feast on the richest of fare in your presence, I indulge myself on your mysteries
The deepest riches, hidden treasures, and unutterable secrets are my greatest delight

You are mine tonight.
I want you. everything. all that you will give me.
I yearn. ache. long.
My soul groans within me.
Only you. only you. will do.
I am chasing after you.