This week is death to self week here at GFM and that means a lot of dying to my way of thinking. To say that my world has been rocked just doesn't do it justice...I now know that I will not be the same person I was when I got here and this is only the second week. I'm sure over the next months you guys will start to see changes (at least I hope you will anyway).

Just to share a little about what I've been learning, I have been challenged in what I believe is suffering and what I believe is complete surrender to God. I have come to the realization that God's glory is so much more important than my life and my comfort and that God may use me in ways that I might not think is comfortable or convenient but it isn't about me its about God and his glory. I have also come to the realization that my relationship with god has been me-centered and not God centered, God wants to bless us don't get me wrong, but He blesses us so that we bless others for his glory and not for our own.

Whew.....that is just a little taste of what I have been learning. I can see that the process will probably be a long and painful one, and I know that God is going to chip away at me until I am completely broken so that he can use me for his will and glory. I'm ready, or at least I think I am. If you would like to know more about I'm learning I would love to tell you about it in more detail, just shoot me an e-mail or wright a comment.

On a lighter note, On Monday night we went to a neighbor's house who's daughter was Miss Mexico and we had dinner and walked in a parade to the Colonia's recreation center for the "Greeto", where they had a ceremony and the 'gringos' got ambush foamed. It was fun to get a little taste of culture and see how they celebrate their independence day (I was wrong in the previous post their independence day was yesterday September 16th).

I love you all and miss you guys!

In His Hands,
