I have been in Tlaxiaco for 4 days now and haven't exactly gotten into a routine quite yet, but I am hoping that I will next week since this is an orientation week.

So let me catch you up on my life the past couple of days, on Monday we had some neighbors kill and butcher one of the base's pigs, because she could no longer walk due to abuse from the male pig she indeed led a sad life of abuse, so it was better that she was put out of her misery. That was pretty much the excitement for that day.

On Tuesday we ate the pig in pork tacos they were pretty good! On Tuesday night we went into town, toured it and had taco Tuesdays at one of the restaurants the people here really like (it was pretty delicious). We will be doing taco Tuesdays every week so I am very excited (this will also be a night of ministry time where we will try and form relationships with the local people).

Today we had class (we've had class since Monday) and had a lesson on speed reading (I must say here I was a little skeptical, but it actually does work, within 30 min I improved my speed by 50 words per minute!). This afternoon I finally went for a run. I have been a little stir crazy the last couple days so it was nice to get out and stretch my legs and get some exercise. On a side note the one thing that wasn't enjoyable were the 3 dogs that chased me, luckily they didn't chase me for long. Tonight I'm not sure what we will be doing I suspect I will attempt to get some reading done and possibly go back into town. Thank you all for your support both now and as I've been on this crazy journey called life, I think back and don't know what I would have done without your prayers and support. I am one lucky lady to have friends and family such as you!

Prayer Requests:*Please pray for me as I am trying to make relationships with people here that I would be able to pick up the language fast and that I would be able to adequately communicate with them in order to make those relationships.