Demand Change Project
I have been working these past few months with 2 great organizations to put on a fantastic historic event: Demand Change Project. I respect MATTOO and Breaking Free for the way they are blazing new trails in abolishing human trafficking.
MATTOO which stands for Men Against The Trafficking Of Others, is an organization that is monumental and hitting this issue where it will damage it the most: the demand. I know that may sound harsh, but to be honest men comprise the majority of those who are driving the demand. MATTOO is educating, sounding the alarm and rallying men to come together and come against this issue. They are asking men to step out and promise not to agree with sex trafficking or human trafficking on any level. This means not participating on any level from pornography, which is a gateway activity, all the way to purchasing a woman for sex. I am blown away by their work and I am so grateful for them and for the men who are taking a stand. Bravo to you.
Breaking Free. I can't say enough about this organization, they are so committed to those who society turns their backs on. They love those who are the broken, the bitter, the numb, ...the prostituted. They know most of these women and children do not choose to do the activities they are doing. They know these women are slaves to those who "own" them, they know that these women and children don't have a voice to speak up about what is happening to them. They are their advocates and arms that hold them loveingly when no one else will.
Anyway, these two organizations have come together to put on a "never-been-done-before" event here in St.Paul Minnesota, May 13-14. The first annual Demand Change Project is a groundbreaking event for the purpose of educating and engaging men to decrease the demand for commercial sex and unite the women’s and men’s anti-human trafficking movements, to come together as a united front against the selling of human beings.
The weekend will include an Abolitionist Seminar (where Melissa Farley will be speaking), a VIP launch party with leading national and international abolitionists, panel discussions with survivors and public officials/law enforcement, a men’s march/walk at the Capital with MATTOO, a women’s marketplace and rally to greet the men on the march, and for the finale – the Breaking Free Benefit Victory Concert with Nicole C. Mullen.
Watch the video for more information.
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