If hunger is the escort to the deeper things of the Lord I want to be ravenous. It's funny how it works when you are hungry for the Lord, you get a taste and it makes you hungrier then you get a feast and you starve for more. It makes me laugh, because I realize I will never be satisfied with my knowledge of the Lord and depth of my relationship with Him no matter how deep I go. That very fact fills me with joy. I never want to be satisfied.

I'll briefly tell you how I came to the Onething conference in Kansas City: It was God, because he is extravagantly good to His children. I have been blessed with a yearning for the Lord and a holy discontent with my faith and depth of my relationship with God. This fall I realized that while I was walking in my spiritual giftings here and there it wasn't a consistent outpouring that I desired. I wanted to have the life of power that I was promised and exhorted to live in the Bible. I took a deeper look at that starting this summer but really began to live it out this fall. I was frustrated because while I felt this hunger that consumed me I still had not experienced the radical outpouring of the Spirit that I was reading in the Bible. I learned and continue to learn that patience is something valued greatly by the Lord so I waited and I continue to wait on the Lord for extreme outpouring in whatever way He decides. I will say here that I have also learned that however small He seems to move, value it because He is moving. When I came home from Mexico I heard about the awakening that was happening at IHOP and I desired to go to where God was moving in powerful ways and soak in that, and as I was sharing this I was told about the Onething conference and it got me thinking, but I didn't think it would work out. A few weeks later this same person told me that she and her husband were going to go and invited me along, this stirred something inside me and I began to pray. I prayed for a week and a half and during that time God put so many things into place that I couldn't deny that he was leading me to this conference. So on Monday the 28th I left MN to go to Kansas City for the week.

To really share everything that happened this past week would take a book, so I will share just a little and if you want to know more let me know I would love to share with you. Wow, well if you don't know a little less than 2 months ago IHOP-KC had an outpouring of the Spirit and He manifested in many ways from healings to people drunk on the Spirit to people being delivered from bondage. The Holy Spirit has stayed and manifested himself in these and many other ways since then, so this years Onething conference was quite eventful to say the least. The healings, drunkenness on the Spirit, and deliverance and other manifestations spilled out onto all of us that were at the conference. I don't think there was anybody that wasn't touched by the Holy Spirit. He was like a rushing river, if you stepped in you were swept away and it was amazing. Seriously, you want to get swept away. Ask the Lord to sweep you away today, I promise you won't regret it.

The conference consisted of 3 sessions a day which pretty much took up the entire day, from 9am to about 12am. I'm not sure what the final count on participation was, but I know it could be up to 20,000 people. At the same time that Onething was happening Urbana about 3 hours away from us was going on at the same time and they also had about 20,000 young men and women on fire for God and ready to finish the task set before us to quicken the coming of our bridegroom Jesus Christ. You know what that is my friends? The beginning of revival in America, pray for it. Earnestly seek it.

Prayer. Worship. Ministry. Three very important pieces of the puzzle are the things I took away from this conference (among other things). Without these three things the task will go unfinished and we will fall deeper into complacency. Please, please, please don't horde your salvation but do these three things: PRAY for people, Jesus to come back, revelation to understand the deeper things of God, your country, your countries leaders, etc., WORSHIP your Lord and Savior, and go out and do ministry. MINISTER to the poor, the widow, weak, the sick, the lost, the orphan, etc. in the name of Jesus and through His power.

Stand Firm. God demands Holiness, Righteousness, and Purity from us and we cannot do this by compromising His truths. Don't back down because its unpopular, don't give in because you feel uncomfortable, don't sugar coat because its politically incorrect. Don't. Speak truth, speak light, but do all these things through a spirit of love. Yes, you can bring a hard truth to someone in love, it can be done. We must do it through love, because God says the greatest command is LOVE. If you don't have love for people, spend time with the Lord and He will give it to you because he loves people more than anything in this universe.

I could go on, but at the risk of losing your attention I will end it there tonight. Again I would love to tell you more about the conference, but you can check out some great resources by Mike Bickle (founder of IHOP) yourself if you are curious what IHOP is all about here:

God bless you and keep you, may he cause his face to shine upon you, so that His ways may be known on earth, His salvation among all nations.