Dear Bride,

Are you ready? The wedding day is fast approaching. Are you prepared? Does your heart flutter, jump, and leap with excitement at the anticipation of the day your bridegroom returns? Oh dear beloved bride, why do give your love away to lovers who do nothing but scar, stain and tatter you? Look into the eyes of your Lover. Look! Do they not consume you with passion? He desires you. He is desperate for your love. He delights in you even in your weakness. He is jealous for you. He will not share you with another. You have stolen His heart. Let him steal your heart. Let him make you lovesick for Him. Let Him make you pure. Let Him clothe you in righteousness. Let Him marry you.

Can you hear it? The wedding processional has started. Make yourself ready, for He is coming, your bridegroom, your lover. Eagerly await His return, with mourning, and weeping until he returns. Cry out in desire for Him. This I promise you; no one else will satisfy, so stop chasing after other lovers and chase after Him.

The Spirit and the Bride say come!
Revelation 22:17