While I've been home I've been slowly reading through Brother Yun's "Living Water" book. I have to say that this man is a man on fire for the Lord and says it like it is and it is so very refreshing! I hate it when authors sugar coat things when people's eternity is at stake! We must preach the gospel in FULL no ommission, and no additions. As it is. is enough. Read the following excerpt from the book. I hope it challenges you in your faith as much as it has challenged me. If you want to talk further about this I would be more than happy to have a conversation with you, email or call me.

The will of God should be the primary focus of all Christians. To glorify Him should be our greatest honor and privilege. All else is a waste of time, and this world is perishing while too many Christians live out fleshly lives full of compromise and selfishness.

The good news is that our Lord is loving and merciful, and He will forgive all who come to Him in humility and meekness, He can take your life and make you bold as a lion and bring your days as a timid Christian to an end. Are you willing to submit to this process of being daily shaped and molded by the Holy Spirit?

Reflect on this passage this week.