Hello to all of you.

Yes as it says summer has begun officially here at GFM. Our first summer team arrived last Saturday with 15 participants. We started with 2 days of orientation for the participants and then we headed to Tepos to do outreach. In Tepos we had health camp in 3 different schools where we teach them about how to stay healthy by washing hands, brushing teeth, etc.. It's a great way to help represent the church in Tepos and show that the church there really does care about the community and to get their name out there. It was a great success the kids really enjoyed the lessons and hangin' out with the "Gringos" and the interns and participants really enjoyed playing with the kids and loving on them. The guys helped our Mexican brothers with their new church building. They are in the process of building a new bigger church and the guys helped pour cement which is a lot of work down here because it is all hand mixed. It sounds like it was a good time of fellowship for them all. Jessica, Lindsay and I were in the kitchen for the outreach, we will be handling kitchen stuff for each outreach this summer so it will be a learning, strike that it already has been a learning experience, but I've come to enjoy it.

We are back in Tlaxiaco we got back yesterday and the participants will be leaving tomorrow morning. Our next group arrives on Monday and we will do it all over again, my life won't be lacking excitement or activity for quite awhile. Well until next time...Lots of love from Mexico.